When a community pulls together

I’ve been trying to find the words to express the sadness in my heart and still I feel at a loss to adequately explain how I feel. My beautiful country, my home is burning. I am heartbroken by the destruction and devastation these catastrophic bushfires have caused to our communities, people and wildlife. My heart is heavy with grief, yet I focus on the fact that as a nation we are strong and resilient.

Banding together and helping our mates – this is one of the things that is iconically Australian. Despite adversity, we stand together and rise to see another day. We rebuild together, we cry together, we mourn together and we celebrate together. Despite the difficulties we face, there is a strength that comes from deep inside that we draw on that helps us rise from our knees and do what needs to be done. As a community we are strong and together we can get through this.

We have a community of people here in Australia and overseas who have extended their support in many ways; emotionally, financially, spiritually. Everything we do makes a difference because together we are strong and we will rebuild our lives slowly but surely.

Many of you, locally and overseas, have reached out in concern wanting to know if I’m okay. Living on the coast in Queensland, I am fortunate because I am safe. And I am deeply grateful. I thank each and every one of you for your support and for reaching out. It’s this caring, this desire to help another human being in times of trouble that lifts our spirit and reminds us that we are not alone.

I would also like to encourage you to reach out if you need help. Don’t do it alone. There are services provided by many organisations, so please make use of them because they can make all the difference when we feel at our lowest. Below are just a couple that you can contact. You may also like to reach out to professionals, spiritual leaders and other family members. The key is to reach out and do what works for you.

Life Line     13 11 14     https://www.lifeline.org.au/

Beyond Blue     1300 22 4636     https://www.beyondblue.org.au/

I, like many of you, want to add to the support that has been growing exponentially. In addition to personal contributions, as a home grown and owned small business, during the months of January AND February, Life’s Potential will donate 25% of all sales (via @The Salvation Army Australia) to support the bushfire relief causes.  

Whether it’s by making a purchase throughout the months of January and February, or by donating directly to your chosen cause, every little bit helps – collectively we can make a difference.

For our Australian members, purchases can be made via  www.lifespotential.com.au  

Alternatively, overseas members, or those who want to donate directly, you can make donations via The Salvation Army Australia website by visiting their website  https://www.salvationarmy.org.au/

To all our firefighters, local and international volunteers, emergency services and everyone who is contributing to keeping us safe, and working so hard to protect our nation – I thank you and hope that you remain safe.

With love much,
